Tuesday 3 February 2015

Building a Strong Brand with Social Media

Any brand or product interested in hitting it big on major leagues will also hit it hard on social media.   This has many implications to the effective use of social networks for the distribution of a brand’s features and characteristics.  There are some proved ways in which your brand can be placed in high places of reputation among the communities and build a strong brand.

·         Make strong use of visuals.  This is the first impression clients have of your brand and this must be powerful from the beginning.  It is suggested for you to hire a professional web designer to make the best out of your visual impression.

·         Be constant on social media.  This means that you follow a standard of frequency of posts depending on each social media site.  This tells your audience that you are up and running and that you are a trustable source of updated information. 

·         Be relevant to your customers.  Tap into the audience’s needs and focus your offer around that.  Offer real solutions to real problems.  This is one very effective way for your posts to get responses and your reputation to strengthen up.

·         Be consistent with what you are offering and the way you are offering it.  Do not wander in terms and be firm in your statements.  Keep the format of your posts constant but without giving up creativity.
·         Offer creative and eye-catching posts and quality content.  Stay professional even when you are posting in Social media.  If you are building your brand on YouTube, for instance, make sure the videos are of high quality and with valuable content.

·         Keep your website relevant.  The main value of Social Media Marketing is that it provides the opportunity to promote visitors to click on your links, which increases traffic on your website.  More traffic to your website means that you get the potential of becoming an authority in the products you offer.  If your website is broken or your links lead to broken pages, this will seriously affect your reputation.  Make sure that your website is always up and running.

·         Do not trick customers using word games.  Very few things annoy customers more than clicking on something on a social site post, and being lead to something else just for the sake of trying to make them purchase something they were not looking for. 

·         Do not be intrusive.  In few words, as a brand you are probably not welcome into a Twitter´s direct message.  Offer your services but try not to shove it up your clients.  If you are effective, clients will share your info, making you stronger.